Friday, 31 January 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Beautiful Goodbye - Maroon 5
"Beautiful Goodbye"
I count the ways I let you down
On my fingers and toes but I'm running out
Clever words can't help me now
I grip you tight but you're slipping out
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, so in love that night
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Oh yeah
When did the rain become a storm?
When did the clouds begin to form?
Yeah, we got knocked off course by a natural force
And we'll, we'll be swimming when it's gone
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, so in love that night
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Oh yeah
All the pain you try to hide
Shows through your mascara lines
As they stream down from your eyes
And let them go, let them fly
Holding back won't turn back time
Believe me, I've tried
Your eyes were so bright
And I remember your eyes were so bright
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, how in love were we that night?
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Beau... Oh, oh yeah
Hey, oh
On my fingers and toes but I'm running out
Clever words can't help me now
I grip you tight but you're slipping out
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, so in love that night
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Oh yeah
When did the rain become a storm?
When did the clouds begin to form?
Yeah, we got knocked off course by a natural force
And we'll, we'll be swimming when it's gone
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, so in love that night
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Oh yeah
All the pain you try to hide
Shows through your mascara lines
As they stream down from your eyes
And let them go, let them fly
Holding back won't turn back time
Believe me, I've tried
Your eyes were so bright
And I remember your eyes were so bright
And I remember your eyes were so bright
When I first met you, how in love were we that night?
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry
Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)
It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)
Beau... Oh, oh yeah
Hey, oh
I really love this song ^__^ and you ? Do you like this song ? Leave comments !!!
From :
Pancasila dan Indonesia
Indonesia dan Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila
Bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun, dan segala
sesuatunya pun seakan berjalan seperti halnya waktu-waktu sebelumnya.
Namun demikian, jika diamati dengan lebih mendalam, pastilah akan banyak
ditemui perbedaan-perbedaan. Seiring perkembangan zaman, tidak semua
hal berlangsung dalam metode maupun cara yang sama. Satu dan lain hal
tampak mulai mengalami perubahan-perubahan, baik yang hampir tidak
terlihat, sampai dengan yang drastis hingga tidak dikenali
Menelusuri salah satu perubahan, di antaranya tiada lagi keriuhan masyarakat Indonesia menjelang berakhirnya bulan September. Tidak ada lagi persiapan guna menyaksikan tayangan khusus dari pemerintah di malam hari pada setiap tutup bulan kesembilan di setiap tahunnya. Padahal, beberapa tahun silam, semua itu laksana tradisi dan sudah menjadi suguhan rutin buat masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya pada era Orde Baru. Penyajian film bertema khusus di TVRI itu, berupa film dokumenter yang berkisah mengenai peristiwa yang terjadi pada tanggal 30 September 1965.
Menelusuri salah satu perubahan, di antaranya tiada lagi keriuhan masyarakat Indonesia menjelang berakhirnya bulan September. Tidak ada lagi persiapan guna menyaksikan tayangan khusus dari pemerintah di malam hari pada setiap tutup bulan kesembilan di setiap tahunnya. Padahal, beberapa tahun silam, semua itu laksana tradisi dan sudah menjadi suguhan rutin buat masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya pada era Orde Baru. Penyajian film bertema khusus di TVRI itu, berupa film dokumenter yang berkisah mengenai peristiwa yang terjadi pada tanggal 30 September 1965.
Pancasila dan Indonesia
PANCASILA - Pengertian, Sejarah, Rumusan Teks, Ideologi
Sejarah Lahirnya Pancasila
Istilah Pancasila telah dikenal sejak zaman Sriwijaya dan Majapahit dimana nilai-nilai
yang terkandung didalam Pancasila sudah diterapkan dalam kehidupan
kemasyarakatan maupun kenegaraan meskipun sila-silanya belum dirumuskan secara
konkrit. Istilah Pancasila telah dikenal sejak zaman Majapahit sebagaimana tertulis
dalam buku NegaraKertagama karangan Mpu Prapanca dan buku Sutasoma karangan
Mpu Tantular. Dalam buku Sutasoma karangan Mpu Tantular, istilah Pancasila
mempunyai arti berbatu sendi yang lima, pelaksanaan kesusilaan yang lima. Istilah
Pancasila sendiri berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yaitu Panca berarti lima dan Sila
berarti dasar atau asas.
Sesuai fakta
sejarah, Pancasila tidak terlahir dengan seketika pada tahun 1945,
tetapi membutuhkan proses penemuan yang lama, dengan dilandasi oleh
perjuangan bangsa dan berasal dari gagasan dan kepribadian bangsa
Indonesia sendiri. Proses konseptualisasi yang panjang ini ditandai
dengan berdirinya organisasi pergerakan kebangkitan nasional, partai
politik, dan sumpah pemuda.
Pancasila dan Indonesia
SEJARAH LAHIRNYA PANCASILA (Sebagai Ideologi & Dasar Negara)
Dari berbagai sumber sejarah.
Tiga setengah abad lebih, bangsa kita dijajah bangsa asing.
Tahun 1511 Bangsa Portugis merebut Malaka dan masuk kepulauan Maluku, sebagai awal sejarah buramnya bangsa ini, disusul Spanyol dan Inggris yang juga berdalih mencari rempah - rempah di bumi Nusantara. Kemudian Tahun 1596 Bangsa Belanda pertama kali datang ke Indonesia dibawah pimpinan Houtman dan de Kyzer. Yang puncaknya bangsa Belanda mendirikan VOC dan J.P. Coen diangkat sebagai Gubernur Jenderal Pertama VOC.
Penjajahan Belanda berakhir pada tahun 1942, tepatnya tanggal 9 Maret 1942 Pemerintah Hindia Belanda menyerah tanpa syarat kepada Jepang. Sejak saat itu Indonesia diduduki oleh bala tentara Jepang. Namun Jepang tidak terlalu lama menduduki Indonesia, sebab tahun 1944, tentara Jepang mulai kalah melawan tentara Sekutu.
Untuk menarik simpati bangsa Indonesia agar bersedia membantu Jepang dalam melawan tentara Sekutu, Jepang memberikan janji kemerdekaan di kelak kemudian hari. Janji ini diucapkan oleh Perdana Menteri Kaiso pada tanggal 7 September 1944. Oleh karena terus menerus terdesak, maka pada tanggal 29 April 1945 Jepang memberikan janji kemerdekaan yang kedua kepada bangsa Indonesia, yaitu janji kemerdekaan tanpa syarat yang dituangkan dalam Maklumat Gunseikan (Pembesar Tertinggi Sipil dari Pemerintah Militer Jepang di Jawa dan Madura) Dalam maklumat tersebut sekaligus dimuat dasar pembentukan Badan Penyelidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI). Tugas badan ini adalah menyelidiki dan mengumpulkan usul-usul untuk selanjutnya dikemukakan kepada pemerintah Jepang untuk dapat dipertimbangkan bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Keanggotaan badan ini dilantik pada tanggal 28 Mei 1945, dan mengadakan sidang pertama pada tanggal 29 Mei s/d 1 Juni 1945. Dalam sidang pertama tersebut yang dibicarakan khusus mengenai dasar negara untuk Indonesia merdeka nanti. Pada sidang pertama tersebut 2 (dua) Tokoh membahas dan mengusulkan dasar negara yaitu Muhammad Yamin dan Ir. Soekarno.
Pancasila dan Indonesia
Pancasila Sebagai Ideologi Perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia
“Kami tidak akan mendirikan bangsa kami di atas Deklarasi Independen Amerika Serikat. Pun tidak dengan Manifesto Komunis. Kami tidak mungkin meminjam falsafah hidup orang lain,” kata Soekarno.
Begitu ia dibuang ke Ende, di Pulau Flores, NTT, Bung Karno makin menyelami falsafah yang cocok untuk Indonesia merdeka itu. Di sanalah, di bawah pohon sukun, ia menemukan lima butir mutiara. Itulah lima dasar yang menjadi pembentuk falsafah Pancasila.
Akhir April 1945, Dokuritsu Zyunbi Tyoosakai (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan, BPUPKI) dibentuk pemerintah Jepang. Soekarno menjadi bagian dari kepanitiaan itu. BPUPKI memulai sidang pertamanya tanggal 29 Mei 1945. Tiga hari pertama persidangan diwarnai debat berkepanjangan.
Soekarno, yang sejak lama sudah menjahit mimpi Indonesia merdeka, segera tampil berpidato pada tanggal 1 Juni 1945. Pidatonya berlangsung selama kurang lebih satu jam. Ia berusaha meyakinkan peserta sidang, yang sebagian besar mewakili berbagai kekuatan politik dan utusan daerah, tentang pentingnya Indonesia merdeka.
Soekarno juga mendesakkan pentingnya “philosophische grondslag” (filosofi dasar) untuk Indonesia merdeka. Filosofi dasar inilah yang akan menjadi “Weltanschauung” (pandangan hidup) bangsa Indonesia mencapai cita-citanya. Soekarno pun mengajukan lima dasar filosofis: Kebangsaan Indonesia, Internasionalisme, – atau perikemanusiaan, Mufakat, – atau demokrasi, Kesejahteraan sosial, dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Itulah Pancasila!
Konteks Pancasila
Pancasila dilahirkan oleh sebuah momen historis, yakni Revolusi Nasional bangsa Indonesia.
Japanese Urban Legend !!!! !!
Okay it's time for horror stories ! You want to hear it ? Well,let's begin! Today's topic is about 8 scary japanese urban legends !!!
8 Scary Japanese Urban Legends
BY: DEADDOLL00 (ERIKA GRIFFIN) - Nowhere does folklore take a more pants-crapping creepy turn than Japan. We now present 8 of Japan's scariest, creepiest, just plain odd as hell urban legends...
Just The Facts
- Japan is a creepy, creepy place
- ...see above.
- You WILL be punished for your bodily functions.
#8: The Snake Woman (Nure-Onna)
Do you enjoy a nice, cool swim on a hot day? Perhaps you are particularly averse to receiving a cooling dose of urine at the local swimming pool? Maybe you just like the sand beneath your toes as you walk the beaches, choosing a nice, quiet, isolated spot from the rest of the city plebs.
You put down your towel, throw off the constricting second skin that is your clothing, and head toward the waves.
But hark! You spot a woman in the water; long black hair flowing around her alabaster skin as she flails weakly. With speed and grace to rival the very best studs of the Baywatch era, you fling yourself into the oddly calm waters and swim her way.
You swim toward the endangered beauty, your eyes meeting as you work desperately to save your drowning Ophelia.
...except that now you seem to be paralyzed. Also, Ariel now appears to be using her long, prehensile snake-body to gracefully close the romantic distance between you. Perhaps, you consider, she simply wishes to save you from this terminal case of leg cramps? Perhaps the piercing of your tender man-flesh by her snake-like tongue is some odd form of mermaid CPR? No, you are now being slowly digested by the Snake Woman, or, "Nure-Onna".
The moral of the story should be fairly obvious: Don't try to save a drowning woman. She could be a snake-monster in disguise!
#7: Human Pillars (Hitobashira)
If Soylent Green taught us anything, it's that there are a great many practical uses for the human body. Japan reminds us just how practical they can be by presenting the Hitobashira, or, "Human Pillars". Seeing as the country is already one at the technological forefront, we have to assume that if Japan tells us, "hey, it's okay to seal living people inside walls and foundations, it'll make that shit more durable!", it has to be true! Right? Right? Because fuck cement!
Dating as far back as the 17th century, the story goes that as an offering to the gods, living people could be sealed into buildings as sacrifices, which would apparently please the great LEGO gods and ensure stability and longevity to the construct in question.
Bones and other remains have been found on-site of several different locations, lending at least some possibility that human sacrifice may have been involved in the making of these buildings. One such location is Jomon tunnel, located on the Sekihoku Main Line. In 1968, in the aftermath of an earthquake (or possibly due to pissed off ghosts) a number of skeletons were discovered sealed into the walls of the tunnel, standing upright. But then, maybe Japan just gets really uptight if you abuse your smoke breaks one time too many.
Seeing as many of these structures stand today, perhaps modern workers should take note: Just how dedicated are you to your job?
#6: Hanako-San of the Toilet
Because Japan just loves to punish you for basic bodily functions, this urban legend takes place in a washroom: specifically the third stall from the end of any elementary school washroom (in some variations, it's on the third floor). Unlike the previous urban legends, where the creatures will come at you unprovoked, Hanako needs to be summoned. Though the idea of luring a ghostly little girl into an empty bathroom falls further from "scary urban legend" and closer to "that paedophile on the news last week" than we'd like.
In order to call Hanako, you need to do the polite thing and knock three times on her stall door. This is usually accompanied by calling out, "Are you there, Hanako-san?"
If you are greeted with a reply, "Yes, I'm here!", apart from pissing your pants in terror, you can push open the stall door to reveal Hanako. Said to be a little girl with bobbed black hair and a red skirt, the outcome of your courage (or dumbfounding retardation) differs: Hanako-san will vanish or, for the more shit out of luck (in every sense of the word), you will be pulled into the toilet and killed.
If you knock on her stall and receive a reply (and assuming you don't immediately break the laws of physics during your escape), you still have the opportunity to walk away if you do not open the door. If, however, you insist on cornering little girls in toilet stalls, you may have just enough time after seeing Hanako to make a break for the exit and escape.
Okay it's time for horror stories ! You want to hear it ? Well,let's begin! Today's topic is about 8 scary japanese urban legends !!!
8 Scary Japanese Urban Legends
BY: DEADDOLL00 (ERIKA GRIFFIN) - Nowhere does folklore take a more pants-crapping creepy turn than Japan. We now present 8 of Japan's scariest, creepiest, just plain odd as hell urban legends...
Just The Facts
- Japan is a creepy, creepy place
- ...see above.
- You WILL be punished for your bodily functions.
#8: The Snake Woman (Nure-Onna)
Do you enjoy a nice, cool swim on a hot day? Perhaps you are particularly averse to receiving a cooling dose of urine at the local swimming pool? Maybe you just like the sand beneath your toes as you walk the beaches, choosing a nice, quiet, isolated spot from the rest of the city plebs.
You put down your towel, throw off the constricting second skin that is your clothing, and head toward the waves.
But hark! You spot a woman in the water; long black hair flowing around her alabaster skin as she flails weakly. With speed and grace to rival the very best studs of the Baywatch era, you fling yourself into the oddly calm waters and swim her way.
You swim toward the endangered beauty, your eyes meeting as you work desperately to save your drowning Ophelia.
...except that now you seem to be paralyzed. Also, Ariel now appears to be using her long, prehensile snake-body to gracefully close the romantic distance between you. Perhaps, you consider, she simply wishes to save you from this terminal case of leg cramps? Perhaps the piercing of your tender man-flesh by her snake-like tongue is some odd form of mermaid CPR? No, you are now being slowly digested by the Snake Woman, or, "Nure-Onna".
The moral of the story should be fairly obvious: Don't try to save a drowning woman. She could be a snake-monster in disguise!
#7: Human Pillars (Hitobashira)
If Soylent Green taught us anything, it's that there are a great many practical uses for the human body. Japan reminds us just how practical they can be by presenting the Hitobashira, or, "Human Pillars". Seeing as the country is already one at the technological forefront, we have to assume that if Japan tells us, "hey, it's okay to seal living people inside walls and foundations, it'll make that shit more durable!", it has to be true! Right? Right? Because fuck cement!
Dating as far back as the 17th century, the story goes that as an offering to the gods, living people could be sealed into buildings as sacrifices, which would apparently please the great LEGO gods and ensure stability and longevity to the construct in question.
Bones and other remains have been found on-site of several different locations, lending at least some possibility that human sacrifice may have been involved in the making of these buildings. One such location is Jomon tunnel, located on the Sekihoku Main Line. In 1968, in the aftermath of an earthquake (or possibly due to pissed off ghosts) a number of skeletons were discovered sealed into the walls of the tunnel, standing upright. But then, maybe Japan just gets really uptight if you abuse your smoke breaks one time too many.
Seeing as many of these structures stand today, perhaps modern workers should take note: Just how dedicated are you to your job?
#6: Hanako-San of the Toilet
Because Japan just loves to punish you for basic bodily functions, this urban legend takes place in a washroom: specifically the third stall from the end of any elementary school washroom (in some variations, it's on the third floor). Unlike the previous urban legends, where the creatures will come at you unprovoked, Hanako needs to be summoned. Though the idea of luring a ghostly little girl into an empty bathroom falls further from "scary urban legend" and closer to "that paedophile on the news last week" than we'd like.
In order to call Hanako, you need to do the polite thing and knock three times on her stall door. This is usually accompanied by calling out, "Are you there, Hanako-san?"
If you are greeted with a reply, "Yes, I'm here!", apart from pissing your pants in terror, you can push open the stall door to reveal Hanako. Said to be a little girl with bobbed black hair and a red skirt, the outcome of your courage (or dumbfounding retardation) differs: Hanako-san will vanish or, for the more shit out of luck (in every sense of the word), you will be pulled into the toilet and killed.
If you knock on her stall and receive a reply (and assuming you don't immediately break the laws of physics during your escape), you still have the opportunity to walk away if you do not open the door. If, however, you insist on cornering little girls in toilet stalls, you may have just enough time after seeing Hanako to make a break for the exit and escape.
Can you guess who are they :D ?
Hint : Walt Disney Cartoon Character !
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Popular Quotes #chapter one
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde
― Oscar Wilde
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West
― Mae West
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
― Oscar Wilde
― Oscar Wilde
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
― Marilyn Monroe
― Marilyn Monroe
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
― Albert Einstein
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
― Bil Keane
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
― Thomas A. Edison
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